1. By visiting our site you are legally accepting these terms. If you are not willing to accept them, we would ask that you leave the site immediately.
2. You are welcome to view and print hard copies of anything on this site for personal use. You are not allowed to copy or use anything on our site for any other purpose, unless authorised by Alletto upholstery. This includes all business, commercial and educational purposes.
3. We cannot guarantee that our site is free from viruses or defects or that your use will not damage your computer.
4. We do not take any responsibility for damage to any other equipment due to downloading any material from the site. Neither will you be able to claim against anyone who may have helped us put it together.
5. We cannot guarantee that the site will always be available without interruptions – as we do make changes to the site frequently and may have to take the site down, without warning, at any time.
6. We also try to make sure that everything on our site is as accurate as possible but we do not promise that it is or take responsibility for, any mistakes that we may have made – you use our site your own risk.
7. We take no responsibility for any views, omissions or errors found on our site and assume no responsibility for its contents.
8. We cannot take responsibility for or endorse the content of any other website you may access through our site.
9. The links are provided as a means of assistance and convenience to those accessing our site.
10. If you do give us any information in order to either receive information from us or post material including comments and pictures, we will collect and store it in accordance with the Data Protection Act. Any information given to us via the site will only be passed on to other organisations with your prior consent. Please see our privacy policy in full.
11. Information should not be transmitted within the site that is in any way libellous, obscene, discriminatory, defamatory, seditious, blasphemous, threatening to other individuals, in breach of copyright or confidentiality, or otherwise unlawful.
12. Users are legally responsible for what they submit to the site and accept full and unlimited liability for their submissions. Furthermore, by submitting material for inclusion, the user hereby agrees to indemnify Alletto upholstery and associated partners and commercial suppliers of services against all claims (damages, losses and compensations) resulting from their submission.
13. In so far as is lawful, submission of material for publication by electronic or other means by Alletto upholstery or an associated company constitutes the assignment of intellectual Property ownership rights from the originator to the Publisher.
14. No liability extends to owners of the site or organisations, partners or individuals explicitly directed by such owners for the purposes of developing, managing or otherwise supervising the site.
15. All messages should include the full name and return email address of the message sender. All messages and submissions may be edited or removed at the discretion of the site owner.
16. In the event of any dispute with us, these terms and conditions will be governed by English Law. If any one of these terms is considered unlawful then they shall be deemed several and shall not affect the validity and enforcement of the remaining terms or conditions.
17. We cannot be any responsible for any samples provided by the user, any samples or materials provided by Alletto upholstery remain their property until fully paid for by the user.
18. This site is owned by Alletto upholstery. If you have any further queries or comments concerning these terms and conditions please contact us by post to Alletto upholstery, Unit 24A Ickneild Way Farm, Tring Road, Dunstable, Beds, LU6 2JX.